his first stage was shimai (no dance in plain clothes ) oimatsu (the old pine tree , noh play ). 仕舞『老松』にて。
in order to obtain the soot , first make a dent on the trunk of rather old pine tree with an ax . 松煙墨の煤の採り方は、まず、かなりの年数を経た松の樹の幹に斧で溝をつける。
the former often has an old pine tree painted thereon and the latter often has an young bamboo painted thereon . 前者には老松を、後者には若竹が描かれることが多い。
hyakusui hirafuku , who was an expert of japanese painting , drew old pine tree on kagami-ita (the back board ). 鏡板には、日本画の大家平福百穂による老松が描かれている。
since there was an old pine tree that stood in his house in yodobashi yokocho , he referred to the place as komatsukan . 淀橋横町の居宅には一本の老松があったためここを孤松館と称した。
he performed on stage for the first time in the play called " oimatsu kiri " (cutting of a big old pine tree ) when he was three . 3歳のとき『老松キリ』の仕舞で初舞台。
the ogi (a fan ) used in the performance is called kachishura-ogi on which ' an old pine tree and the rising sun ' is drawn . 使用する扇は勝修羅扇と言われ、図柄は「老松に旭日」である。
on rare occasions , noh such as ' takasago ' (the dune ), ' yoro ' (the care of the aged ), ' tsuru kame ' (the crane and the tortoise ), and ' oimatsu ' (the old pine tree ) are performed by the same set of noh actors after ' okina .' 稀に、「翁」に続けて連続で「高砂」や「養老」、「鶴亀」、「老松」などの能が同じ演者たちによって上演されることがある。
" takasago (noh )" , " oimatsu " (the old pine tree ), " oyashiro " (grand shrine ), " iwafune " (a rock boat ), " ukon ," " ema " (the votive tablet ), " kamo ," " kureha ," " shiga ," " saiobo (noh )" (the queen mother of the west ), " tamanoi " (jewel well ), " chikubushima " (chikubu-shima island ), " tsurukame " (crane and tortoise ), " naniwa ," " hakurakuten " (bai letian ), " himuro " (the ice house ), " hojogawa " (hojo-gawa river ), " mekari " (harvesting seagrass ), " yoro " (nurturing the aged ) 『高砂 (能)』『老松』『大社』『岩船』『右近』『絵馬』『賀茂(加茂)』『呉羽』『志賀』『西王母 (能)』『玉井』『竹生島』『鶴亀』『難波』『白楽天』『氷室』『放生川』『和布刈』『養老』
mototada played shite (a main actor ) in songs such as ' tomonaga ' (minamoto no tomonaga ), ' teika ' (fujiwara no teika ), ' kantan ' (the pillow of kantan , noh play ), ' oimatsu ' (the old pine tree ), ' ataka ' (the ataka barrier , noh play ), ' futarishizuka ' (a couple of the young ladies named shizuka ), ' mii-dera temple ,' ' yamanba ' (old mountain witch ), ' matsukaze ' (wind in the pines ), ' miwa ' (deity of mt . miwa ), ' kasuga ryujin ' (the kasuga dragon god ), ' shojo ' (an imaginary animal like an orangutan ), ' taema ' (princess chujo in taima-dera temple; a noh play ), ' sanemori ' (sanemori saito ), ' sotoba komachi ' (komachi on the stupa ), and ' sakura-gawa river ' . 元忠は「朝長」、「定家」、「邯鄲」、「老松」、「安宅」、「二人静」、「三井寺」、「山姥」、「松風」、「三輪」、「春日龍神」、「猩猩」、「当麻」、「実盛」、「卒都婆小町」、「桜川」といった曲のシテを勤めた。